Black River Productions: Current Titles

Our catalogue of current productions includes a large variety of films. Subject areas include documentaries on environmental issues, portraits of unusual and interesting people, humorous and comic films, historical documentaries, and experimental and nature films.

Browse through our catalogue to find out more. Selected films have short playable clips which you can view. If you are interested in ordering any of the titles select the [Order] button for a price list and ordering information.

Humourous Narratives & Portraits

Suêtes, (1999)
Humourous stories from the wind storms on Cape Breton Island.
Michel in a Suête (1998)
A man's hilarious romp in a wind storm.
Licking the Window (1995)
A comic co-autobiographical psychoanalytic road movie.
The Paper Age and Ancient Flight (1992)
An examination of the ideas of amateur British Egyptologist William Deiches who believed the ancients knew how to fly.
The Disappearance of John Ashby (1990)
When John Ashby left Cape Breton in 1990, for a visit to New York City, he said he would be back, but he never returned.

Environmental, Social & Political Documentaries

Rudy Haase (2002)
A biography about Canada's great unknown environmental and social activist.
One Day (2002)
An experimental documentary dealing with the events of the tragedy in New York City.
The Battle At Our Shores (2001)
Examines opposition to first inshore/coastal oil and gas exploration licenses in NS.
Toxic Partners (1999)
Examines toxic waste sites and the human suffering caused by them.
Both Sides of the Wire (1993)
Follows a group of refugees from Nazi oppression who were imprisoned in Canada in 1940.
Mabou Fights Back (1992)
one community's efforts to stop post office closures.
The Cape Breton Endangered Spaces (1990)
The Cape Breton Endangered Spaces, a video shot from the air in Cape Breton documenting massive clearcutting of old growth forests.
Herbicide Trials (1984)
The social, political, legal, and environmental consequences of forest management through the aerial application of herbicides.
Budworks (1978)
Examines aerial spraying of insecticides in New Brunswick.


John Dunsworth The Candidate (1989)
Follows John Dunsworth, a provincial NDP candidate, on the stumps seeking election.
John Nesbitt - Sculptor (1987)
A portrait of Canadian sculptor John Nesbitt and his wife Ann Richardson.

Experimental and Nature Films

Snow on the Lake (2000)
Snow blows over a frozen lake in surreal patterns. A winter Haiku.
Trees and Elevators (1991)
A short film composed of nature and urban images.

Documentaries on Hydro Power

A Portrait of Small Hydro (1983)
Focuses on some of the first renewable energy entrepreneurs in New England who refurbished old hydro units.
Water Power (1981)
History of water power and how to harness it for domestic use.

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